Are there late fees?


Yes, there are late fees/overdue fines.  Saturdays and Sundays are counted in borrowing times.

Books: can be borrowed for thirty days.  $0.25 each day, each item that is late.

CD's and DVD's:  can be borrowed for 3 days.  $0.25 each day, each item that is late.

Reserve Materials (textbooks, headphones, teacher materials etc...): 2 hour limit.  $1.00 each hour, each item that is late.

Books can be returned at the Circulation Desk or if the Library is closed, there is a drop box on the exterior of the building facing Johnson Hall (to the right of the doors).

If you loose a book or item, please come to the Circulation Desk as soon as possible.  If you don't, overdue fines will still accumulate.  You can either pay for the item plus processing fees and any late fees or you can purchase a replacement copy and pay any late fees.

If you have any items out or owe any money you will not be able to:

  • Register for classes
  • Get your final grades
  • Graduate
  • Get transcripts
  • Last Updated Feb 04, 2021
  • Views 92
  • Answered By Ann Prior

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