Library Computer Use


The Library has a number of different areas for computer use by students. ALL LIBRARY COMPUTERS AUTOMATICALLY SHUT DOWN 15 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSINGPlease plan and save your work accordingly.

OPAC computers are on kiosks at eye level so students can quickly find information such as searching the book catalog or Primo.  These computers are for research only and are not loaded with Microsoft Office programs.

Open area computers are on several serpentine tables throughout the Library and can be used by students at any time the Library is open. They can be used for any type of research and for word processing, email, online classes, etc.  These computers should not be used for games or chatting. 

Computer classrooms, LB212 is used for Library instructional classes.

Laptop computers are available for use inside the Library, for 2 hours at a time.  They can be signed out from the Circulation Desk and students should return them to the Circulation Desk at least 15 minutes before closing.  If you use a Library owned laptop you are able to print your work.

Student-owned laptop computers can be used throughout the Library. If you have trouble with connecting to the campus Wi-Fi please see a technician in JH113 or call the Help Desk at 315-866-0300 x8555.

Unfortunately at this time you cannot print from your own laptop.  You will have to get the document from your laptop to one of the Library machines.  You can do this by using a flash drive, using GoogleDocs, or by e-mailing the document(s) to yourself and printing from a campus machine. 


  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 241
  • Answered By Ann Prior

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