Interlibrary Loan

What if the college library doesn't have a book or article I need?


This service is only available to Herkimer College faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students. Books and articles which the Herkimer College library does not have may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.

When searching in PRIMO be sure to sign in using your campus credentials to be able to place a Resource Sharing request.  If you located an item in WorldCat use the ILL Request form to place a request; see a librarian for details.

Students are limited to 10 active requests at any one time. You are notified of all activity through your email. When the material arrives in the library, you'll be notified and it can be picked up at the Circulation Desk. 

Start your research early so that you will have time to order materials if necessary.  Articles usually arrive within 3-5 days.  Books usually arrive within a week.

  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 383
  • Answered By Ann Prior

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