Conduct in the Library


To allow the patrons of the Herkimer College Library to use its facilities and programs in a safe, pleasant environment, conducive to study and research, these rules have been adopted.

These rules apply both to patron conduct with other patrons and with staff members. Patrons are urged to report disruptive behavior to the Reference Desk or the Director of Library Services.

The library staff reserves the right to interpret these rules, to apply them, and to change them as necessary. This is not an exhaustive list; appropriate conduct includes but is not limited to:

  • Patrons shall respect the rights of all other patrons and staff members at all times. 
  • Patrons shall not either fail to identify themselves or knowingly provide any other false information to any Library or College official. 
  • While children may come to the Library on an occasional basis, they must be supervised by their parent/guardians and be in their presence at all times.
  • Parents/guardians are liable for all acts of minor children (NYS Statute General Oblig. Sec 3-112.) 
  • Patrons shall not harass any other person in any way, including but not limited to stalking, verbal abuse, or other because of a person’s race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation. 
  • Patrons shall not sexually harass, make sexual advances or engage in physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such behavior interferes with the rights of others and can create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. 
  • Due to the highly visible nature of most of the computer screens in the library, patrons many not have on the screen graphic pornography or extreme violence that is not appropriate for a public and open environment and that creates a hostile or offensive environment.

Patrons shall not disturb others by engaging in disruptive activity. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Interfering with the use of the Library by other patrons or interfering with the library employees’ performance of their duties. 
  • Obstructing or disrupting teaching or learning activities or other sanctioned Library events. 
  • Use of electronic equipment, including pagers, stereos, telephones, and computers, at a volume which is audible to others.
  • Patrons must set cell phones to a non-audible signal upon entering the Library. Patrons must exit the Library to talk on cell phones. 
  • Patrons shall not use offensive or abusive language, or engage in offensive or abusive behavior. 
  • Patrons shall not distribute, dispense, possess, use, or sell alcohol, tobacco, or illegal or controlled substances on Library property. 
  • Patrons may not gamble in the Library. 
  • If the security gates sound an alarm as a patron exits, the patron must return to the Circulation Desk to verify that the materials were handled properly by the staff. All briefcases, handbags, backpacks, dufflebags, overcoats, shopping bags, luggage, and other packages may be subject to inspection by library or security staff.

Computer resources exist for academic, research, professional enrichment, and administrative use. Patrons shall not misuse or use without authority, the College’s information technology or telecommunications systems. This includes but is not limited to:

  • the unauthorized or illegal use or misuse of College phone and computer network systems; 
  • violation of the College Computer Use Policy and Guidelines
  • unauthorized entry or dissemination of electronic information; 
  • prank or harassing phone calls or email messages; 
  • the hacking, duplication or unauthorized use of copyrighted software; 
  • destruction, unauthorized transfer or alteration of electronic files; 
  • unauthorized use of another individual’s electronic identification number, such as password, Social Security number, pin number.

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U. S. Code) governs the making use of copyrighted material. All patrons are responsible for any infringement on this law.

Patrons shall not damage, mar or steal library materials or equipment, or in any way destroy or damage library furnishings, walls, equipment, or other library property.

With the exception of Campus Safety officers or other law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties, patrons shall not possess, use or manufacture a firearm or other weapon.

Neither the Library nor the College is responsible for any personal property brought into the Library. Patrons are responsible for their own property and should not leave personal items unattended.

Patrons shall not violate any published College regulations or federal, state, or local laws.

Disciplinary Process

Typically, a patron will receive a warning regarding a first violation of these rules. Repeat instances of rules violation or any violation of an extreme or criminal nature, may result in barring the patron from using the Library and its services. A barring determination will be decided by the Director of Library Services.


  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2019
  • Views 127
  • Answered By Ann Prior

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