Reserve Materials and Textbooks


Faculty Reserve Items:

Faculty often put books or other materials on reserve in the Library for their students’ use. The materials are kept at the Circulation Desk. Your student I.D. card is required to use materials on reserve. They can only be used in the Library. The reserve loan period is two hours and a $1.00 late fine will be charged if they are kept out longer than that. This collection does not include Open Educational Resources (OER), workbooks, lab manuals, or access codes required for classes.

Textbook Reserve Collection:

Textbooks for some courses are held in the Library for student use. The ones available are on reserve at the Circulation Desk.  A student I.D. card is required to use textbooks on reserve. Books must be signed out one at a time, can only be used in the Library for 2 hours at a time and a $1 late fine will be charged if kept out longer than that. This collection does not include Open Educational Resources (OER), workbooks, lab manuals, and access codes required for classes.

  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Ann Prior

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